Relationships Matter
- Suitable for Schools

FREE to use
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- Resource Type: Web based presentations / Lesson notes
- Release Date: July 2020
- Version: 1.0.1
The Contents
A free to access, web-based resource for teachers of Primary Relationships Education. Lesson notes, browser based slideshows and downloadable worksheets included. Covers all aspects of the Government's new Statutory Guidance in full.
The Details
Designed for use in primary schools for teachers to meet the requirements of Relationships Education. Covers 5 units named: Families and people who care for me, Caring friendships, Respectful relationships, Online relationships, Being safe. There are 25 lessons in total across the 5 units. Each unit contains lessons aimed towards Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
Print-friendly Lesson Notes and Web-based Slideshow Presentations
Using any modern internet browser the lesson notes and slideshow presentations are accessed online. Slideshows launch with very familiar functionality to anyone who has used PowerPoint or other presenting software.
- Complete the form and click ‘Access Resource’. A link containing a ‘digital key’ will be sent to the email address you provide
- Internet connection and modern browser required to access the resource
- Downloadable worksheet activities included with each lesson
- No DVD player or PowerPoint software needed to present the slideshows
- Updates made to the presentation by Lovewise will be automatically available to anyone who already has access
Resource Information:
- Age Range: 4-11
- Duration: x25 lesson plans
- Key Topics: Primary Relationships Education, Statutory Guidance,
- Audience: Primary Schools, Key Stage 1 & Key Stage 2.
Relationships Matter - Review
Thank you for these fabulous resources. They are excellent quality. I’ve shared them and I know other schools that are not necessarily christian using them as they are balanced and easy to follow.