How to run a successful session
Churches often want to run sessions covering the subjects of relationships, sex and marriage as part of the teaching in a youth group. Lovewise has produced a number of resources for different age groups to help those working in churches to do this.
It is important to mention some practicalities. Firstly, all parents should be informed that discussion of these subjects has been planned and when the sessions will take place, so that they can talk about it at home. Parents should also have the opportunity to preview the resources to be used.
Secondly, depending on the age of the children, it is often good to talk to the children in single sex groups. This may lead to more open and honest questions and discussion.
Some Lovewise presentations may be too long to use in one youth group session, but it is possible to use part of a presentation. For example, the DVD 'MARRIAGE' is divided into four approximately 10 minute sessions, and so could be used over four weeks and still leave plenty of time in each session for supporting activities, questions or discussion.
The PowerPoint presentation 'Making Godly Choices', designed specifically for young people in churches, is divided into seven sessions. 'The Videos' is a compilation DVD of short videos featuring personal accounts lasting between one and five minutes, which can be used as discussion starters for shorter sessions.