True Love Interactive Bible Study PACK
- Suitable for Church Groups

£10 (FREE UK DELIVERY. For postage costs outside the UK please contact the Lovewise office)
- Release Date: July 2017
- Version: 1
The Details:
Our children and young people are growing up within a confused society that is bombarding them with dangerous and conflicting messages such as “You’re missing out if you don’t have sex”, “Marriage is out of date”, “Casual sex is OK”, “Sexual preference defines relationships”.
This clear and practical five-part Bible study, with online video testimonials, is designed to assist churches and church youth leaders in helping their young people deal with the issues that this confusion creates.
The Contents:
Five Bible study sessions which aim to lead young people through what the Bible teaches on relationships, marriage and the proper context for sexual intimacy. To aid with discussion, each study features personal testimonies via online video content which can be shown on any digital device.
The pages of the leader’s and student handbooks share the same layout. Questions, discussions and readings are found on the same page in both handbooks, with suggested answers found only in the leader’s handbook. We recommend that, if possible, each member of a group is given their own copy of the student handbook; to aid in following the study and to make notes - some of which may be personal. Estimated timings are given to each section of the studies.
The study pack includes:
- x1 Leaders Handbook
- x5 Student Handbooks (Additional Handbooks Available Separately)
Session titles:
- Singleness and Marriage
- Understanding Marriage
- Why Keep Sex for Marriage?
- Going out in a way that Honours God
- Sexual Temptation
Additional resources, in the Leader’s Handbook only, cover content to inform further discussion on related issues including:
- Divorce
- The Legal ‘Redefinition’ of Marriage
- Transgender
- Complementarity
- Pornography
- Masturbation
- Homosexuality
Resource Information:
- Age Range: Ages 14+
- Duration: 5x 40 – 60 Minutes
- Key Topics: Marriage, Going Out, Saving Sexual Intimacy for Marriage, Sexual Temptation, Complementarity, Divorce, The legal ‘redefinition’ of marriage, pornography, Transgender, Homosexuality
- Published by: Evangelical Press (2017)
- ISBN : 9781783972012 / 9781783972029
- Length: 72 pages (Leaders Handbook), 52 pages (Student Handbook)
- Audience: Church Youth Groups
True Love Interactive Bible Study PACK - Review
I used the resource with my teenage daughters. They enjoyed looking up the passages to read together, writing answers into the handbook and watching the video clips. The passages and video clips stimulated valuable discussion that might not have arisen otherwise in day to day life.