What can we learn about the benefits of marriage from the couples in the video?
3 Good things marriage offers
1. Companionship
2. A secure environment for children
3. The right & healthy place for sexual intimacy
Lifelong friendship
Lifelong commitment
How is cohabitation different from marriage?
Cohabitation: unconditional love?
Cohabitation: Security for children?
Parents still together when their child reaches 15
3 Good things marriage offers
1. Companionship
2. A secure environment for children
3. The right & healthy place for sexual intimacy
Marriage & children
The best thing a couple can do for their children is to love each other.
The privilege of being a father
The privilege of being a mother
Parents work together
Many strong families make a strong society
3 Good things marriage offers
1. Companionship
2. A secure environment for children
3. The right & healthy place for sexual intimacy
Why do brides wear white?
For the thousands of teens I’ve treated and counseled, one of the major causes of depression is sex. I consider it an 'STD' with effects as devastating as, if not more than, HPV, chlymadia or any other.
Dr Meg Meeker MD
Rates of new sexually transmitted infection (STI) diagnoses among people attending sexual health services by age-group and gender, 2016, England