Module 5
Practical steps to help make a relationship that will last.
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Overview and instructions
Relationships Worksheet
© Lovewise 2025
Singleness is a good thing
If you are considering going out...
friendship is a good place to start
What qualities should you look for?
to look for...
Enjoyable to be with
What do your family and friends think?
Could you imagine marrying them?
Boys and girls are different
Affected by what they see
Affected by the idea of love and security
Everyone has them
Not wrong in themselves
Control them before they control you
Sexual desires
Social media
Beware of unhelpful ideas
Beware of dangerous people
Do not request, send or receive sexual images or videos
Affects your attitude towards the opposite sex, future relationships and mental health
Avoid pornography
It is illegal to...
Engage in sexual activity with someone under 16
Possess sexual images of someone under 18
Watch pornography with someone under 18
Practical advice
Practical advice for healthy relationships
Be careful what you watch, read and think about
Don't be influenced by others
Beware of alcohol and drugs
Practical advice for those in a relationship
Set boundaries
Avoid difficult situations
Test for commitment
You are valuable
Avoid vulnerable situations
Be ready to say "no"
and walk away
You may feel like you are swimming against the tide...
But it is worth it!
Module 5
Practical steps to help make a relationship that will last.
Other modules:
What is marriage?
What are the benefits of marriage?
When to be sexually intimate.
What happens if you don’t keep sexual intimacy for marriage?
Practical steps to help make a relationship that will last.
Relationships: getting it right.