Module 4

What happens if you don't keep sexual intimacy for marriage?

© Lovewise 2025


Preparing for marriage

In the video, why did Adam think it would be good to keep sex for marriage?

What is the purpose of sex?

A loving bond for marriage

To have a child

3 Things that might happen if you don't keep sex for marriage

1. Pregnancy at the wrong time

2. Getting a sexually transmitted infection (STI)

3. Emotional pain

Many married couples are looking forward to having a family

But how would pregnancy at the wrong time affect your life?


  • Difficult to continue education
  • Hard to maintain friendships
  • Harder to have a relationship
  • Have less money for yourself
  • Harder to have a relationship in future
  • Less involved in your child's life
  • Pay child support





In 2018, in England and Wales, over 200,000 unborn babies were aborted.

3 Things that might happen if you don't keep sex for marriage

1. Pregnancy at the wrong time

2. Getting a sexually transmitted infection (STI)

3. Emotional pain

An infection caught from intimate physical contact

An ulcer on the tongue


  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhoea
  • Syphilis


  • Herpes
  • HIV (AIDS)
  • HPV (Genital Warts)
  • Most STIs are easy to catch
  • Girls are more at risk than boys
  • Teenage girls are most at risk



  • The Pill gives you protection against STIs
  • Condoms always protect you from STIs
  • All STIs are curable
  • You always know that you have an STI


  • Very easy to catch
  • Can give an unpleasant discharge
  • ‘Silent’ in 70% of women and 50% of men
  • The first thing you may know is that you cannot have children
  • Causes over 90% of cervical cancer
  • Spread by sexual transmission, including oral sex
  • Cervical cancer can be reduced by vaccination

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

(Causes genital warts)


Never before have there been more condoms available and more teaching about sexual health

Why are levels of sexually transmitted infections so high?

Rates of new sexually transmitted infection diagnoses among people attending sexual health services by age-group and gender, 2016, England

STIs spread when people have multiple sexual partners

  • Do not give 100% protection
  • May be forgotten in the heat of the moment
  • Do not always work properly


There is no such thing as completely safe sex except in faithful marriage

3 Things that might happen if you don't keep sex for marriage

1. Pregnancy at the wrong time

2. Getting a sexually transmitted infection (STI)

3. Emotional pain


Pressure to have sex

Sex is designed to strengthen the relationship of two people who are married

The sexual bond is not designed to be broken - when it is, we hurt ourselves and others

Sex is unforgettable
& permanent

It becomes harder to make a strong bond in the future

If you have made mistakes, don't despair

If you are truly sorry, you can ask God to forgive you and help you make different choices in the future


Starting again