Module 6

Relationships: getting it right.

Boys Version

(Toggle to Girls version)

© Lovewise 2025

One very powerful emotion...

romantic love

Romantic love can produce strong and enjoyable feelings

But romantic feelings can also cause a lot of pain

3 Things that romantic feelings can lead to, if you are not careful

1. Going out with the wrong person

2. Rushing into sexual intimacy

3. Agreeing to live with or marry the wrong person


Emotions can cloud your judgement

On an emotional high... is difficult to know if the other person is suitable

Be objective about the other person

  • Are they trustworthy?
  • Are they caring?
  • Do we have common interests?
  • Do we have similar values?
  • Is our friendship growing?

3 Things that romantic feelings can lead to, if you are not careful

1. Going out with the wrong person

2. Rushing into sexual intimacy

3. Agreeing to live with or marry the wrong person

On an emotional high... is very easy to rush into sexual intimacy


What might draw you into the spiral?

Wanting love and security


Peer pressure

Provocative images

Pressure from girlfriend

Physical attraction




Sex without commitment sounds attractive...

but in the longer term it is shallow and disappointing


Sex without loving commitment


A better way?

Men who experience a series of uncommitted relationships...

risk missing out on the fulfilment of fatherhood

Even if sex outside marriage feels good at the time, it often causes pain later - especially if the relationship breaks up

Why is this?

The sexual bond is not designed to be broken...

when it is, we hurt ourselves and others

Sometimes there are associated painful emotions such as regret, guilt and anger

3 Things that romantic feelings can lead to, if you are not careful

1. Going out with the wrong person

2. Rushing into sexual intimacy

3. Agreeing to live with or marry the wrong person

On an emotional high and having been sexually intimate... is easy to rush into an unsuitable relationship of living together or marriage

Living together or 'cohabitation': Does it last?


Marrying for the right reasons

Marriage and keeping sex for marriage is the best choice

Why is marriage the best choice?

Romantic emotions need to be underpinned by promises or vows

Marriage supports love